December 15, 2020
December 15, 2020

Home remodeling vs new construction?

Home remodeling is the process of restoring a structure back to a good or “like new” condition. In the construction business, renovation can include, but are not limited to, Kitchen remodeling, bathroom remodeling, re-facing cabinets, installing new light fixtures, replacing outdated and possibly dangerous electrical systems, generally replacing or repairing any part or all of a home that is worn by time, or damaged and not in working condition. This includes elements of a structure that may not meet present day building codes and pose a safety hazard to the owner and/or the general public if the structure or dwelling is to be used by people.
A new construction project is pretty straightforward, but each process is unique and come with its own set of challenges and hurdles depending on the size and complexity. New construction is constructing an entirely new home or building from the ground up, and includes every type of material that goes into any such project.
If you are interested in learning more about any of these options, we would be more than happy in assisting you in making the best choice for your project, so please feel free to contact us any time.

Garcia & Sons Construction is your best choice if you are looking for a reliable and professional general contractor for a new home or remodeling project. Our team has the experience, skills and is well equipped for all aspects. Whether your project requires off grade crawl space or on ground slab, conventional framing or truss design, wood frame or masonry, you will find a Garcia and Sons Construction is one of the best general contractors for remodeling and new construction in The Treasure Coast.

Contac to us today for a free estimate
772-877-3499 - 561-631-2025